Scrolling frame glitch?

Whenever I try to move or scale anything on a scrolling frame it teleports that thing down and I have to manually keep moving that thing back up everytime and it’s so annoying. Are there any solutions or fixes to this?

Is there anyone here to help? Anybody?

You can use a UiGridLayout or UiListLayout in the ScrollingFrame to automatically set up the frames.

Video stuff

Watch 29:35 to (32:30 or 36:25) for UiGridlayout
Dont have a UiListLayout video but they both do similar things with similar properties, I also think a ListLayout would work better for this problem though, a grid layout would work also.

Also Ima go sleep, so if you have other questions, hope someone else answers them or wait for me to wake up and check this :d

Thanks for the suggestion and I’ll definitely try that but also is this a glitch, bug, or does this only happen for scrolling frames?

This mainly happens with scrolling frames when scaling UI objects as far as I know. It’s more so recommended to just use the properties tab when scaling something in the scrolling frame or at least first editing in a frame before placing it in a scrolling frame.

If you want to also avoid it stretching, I can definitely recommend you that using the Automatic Sizing for the canvas for Y axis should help.

Is roblox or a higher person in rank planning to fix this at all?

I doubt any official staff of ROBLOX really treats this with any much importance as it’s not a “huge” issue to them, but perchance if they ever see it they might consider working on it. But as far as I know, not much of the staff have paid attention to this issue if I’m correct.