Scrolling frame length changes on different devices

Hello, I’ve been having trouble with scrollingframes and idk what to do. Basically I want the scrolling frame’s length not to change when on different devices.

This is how it looks on my regular studio resolution:

And this is how it looks on a 1080p monitor:

You can see the scrolling frame is a bit shorter on the 1080p monitor image, I wanna prevent that height change, is there a way?

I dont believe the scrolling frame is shorter but the Text is just bigger so it takes up more space which means it will go down further
Edit - To make sure the length isnt changing you can put the size in using scale instead of offset

To make sure the length isnt changing you can put the size in using scale instead of offset

about that

You’re supposed to focus on CanvasSize, not the actual Size. UIAspectRatioConstraint has nothing to do with this. CanvasSize basically dictates how far down the ScrollingFrame scrolls, and if you’re using Offset instead of Scale for this, then this value would change based on the screen’s resolution.

I’m using size for the canvas size, and the screenshot I provided is for the CanvasSize property

No, the screenshot provided is the note that appears for the normal Size property when UIAspectRatioConstraint is used. You’re supposed to be focusing on CanvasSize, not Size, which are two different things. UIAspectRatioConstraint does not affect CanvasSize.

Ok yeah it was just the size, and now that I think about it I should’ve probably shown how the GUI is set up, so here’s just that:

And I might as well show what the properties of the scrolling frame look like:

I used size instead of offset, that’s what I use with all my GUIs

There’s a property of scrolling frames called AutomaticCanvasSize that should solve this issue.

I’ve tried that before, it just does this:

Okay, how about the size and position of whatever’s inside the ScrollingFrame?


properties of the MainText:

Note: The UIAspectRatioConstraints are there so the GUI scales properly on different devices and is made with a plugin called AutoScale