Scrolling frame not autoscaling properly

Sorry I’m a bit late (had some stuff to do)
Are you using a UIListLayout?

yes i am using a UIListLayout for it

It’s because the autosize doesn’t account for padding between the elements, unfortunately. IIRC, there is an post about in in #feature-requests (or possibly #bug-reports) regarding it.

Until it’s fixed, you can either:

  • Make it so there is no UIPadding, but have the contents of each slide contained within an invisible frame (transparency 1, but visible set to true) and just make them take up like .8 or .9 of the vertical space
  • Put narrow, invisible (transparency 1, visible true) frames in between each element (making use of layout order)
  • Disable the autosizing and instead use a script to automatically size it yourself, accounting for padding.

ye that works its sad how roblox releases something but then makes no easy way of fixing the use of it
thanks for the answer

Im having the same issue but i dont even have UIPadding

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