Scrolling frames in canvasgroups?

Hello. I am considering putting a scrolling frame in a canvas group. Does a new image technically have to be made for every time the user scrolls, or does the canvas group work a little differently?

I made a similar post in the past, and a responder quoted Roblox documentation which basically outlined that it would be bad practice. However, a few games do use scrolling frames in canvas groups such as Plz Donate.

It works the same way as you put it into Frame, the exception is that CanvasGroup when you put other UI elements inside it are so blurry based on memory and specs of your device

i suggest that if you have some text or anything that’s too small, scale it larger to make it more visible, though it’s also harder to find if anyone will report problems with blurry text or image cuz that happens randomly, there simply isn’t anyway to set render quality for it.