ScrollingFrame canvas is offset

The ScrollingFrame canvas appears to be offset by the offset of its parent frame, meaning that elements inside it will not be properly aligned to the frame, like so:

The image icon has position {0,0}, {0,0}, but it’s not in the top left corner of the frame.

Yup, and still no confirmation on the bug, I’m sure it has to be known.

[quote] Yup, and still no confirmation on the bug, I’m sure it has to be known.

Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub [/quote]

Confirmation has been given. Fix is due in a week from now I believe.

ah ok, never saw it mentioned anywhere.

Yeah this is getting really annoying for my project :frowning:

I created this script to fix the issue temporarily. If it stops working, just negate the parent’s AbsolutePosition.Y in UDim2.Y.Offset.

while true do
	for _, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Frame") then
			v.Position =, -(script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.X), 0, v.Position.Y.Offset)

I’m assuming this topic addressed this issue: