ScrollingFrame Children's Position Changes If the Parent of the ScrollingFrame Is Not ScreenGui

  1. The title sums up what is occurring. If the ScrollingFrame is parented in anything other than a ScreenGui the children of the ScrollingFrame lose their anchor to the ScrollingFrame itself.

  2. This bug occurs 100% of the time.

  3. To reproduce this bug, just insert a ScrollingFrame into a GuiObject something other than a ScreenGui and see the position distortion of the ScrollingFrame’s children.

  4. This bug happens everywhere, Studio, the RobloxPlayer, etc…

  5. No.

  6. This is what the ScrollingFrame looks like as a child of a ScreenGui:

  1. Not a graphic bug.

  2. The bug occurred whenever the ScrollingFrame was released.

  3. ScrollingFrames look awesome, this just needs to be fixed.

yup Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

didn’t get a direct response, but a thank you from ben. So I guess the problem has been acknowledged.
edit: I really do hope this is fixed. I really want to use these.

Probably something to do with the absolute size or position of its parent, also, I don’t have this problem at all.


Can we expect a fix for this?

For a temporary fix, I created this script that moves all of a ScrollingFrame’s children over based on the ScrollingFrame’s parent’s AbsolutePosition. It works quite well:

while true do
	for _, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Frame") then
			v.Position =, -(script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.X), 0, v.Position.Y.Offset)

I can confirm this bug.

[quote] For a temporary fix, I created this script that moves all of a ScrollingFrame’s children over based on the ScrollingFrame’s parent’s AbsolutePosition. It works quite well:

while true do for _, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Frame") then v.Position =, -(script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.X), 0, v.Position.Y.Offset) end end wait(0.5) end [/quote]
I was really considering doing that, but I’ll wait a little longer before I have to.

[quote] So…

Can we expect a fix for this? [/quote]

Two weeks minimum.

When will this get fixed? :frowning: