ScrollingFrame help needed

Hey so I made a playerlist, here’s the layout:

But the problem I’m having is that I can’t keep the way it looks on for example, 1366 x 768, on a resolution that’s wider such as 1920 x 1080. I’d like to know the definitive way to scale this ScrollingFrame correctly so that it looks the same on both those resolutions.
(Main is a Frame, TeamsLayout is the ScrollingFrame)

I assume you’re using offset for the size property. If you want it to stay the same size no matter what screen size you’re using you need to use scale.

Here’s an article from Roblox on GUIs: UI | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

The ScrollingFrame’s size is already scale.

Is “Main” also scale? If it’s not it’ll still appear too small or too big.