Scrollingframe issue

Helllo. i am having a big issue with scrollingframes being mis-positioning their content instead of having it at the top as supposed to. any way to achieve this?

– the items in the scriolling frame are supposed to be at the top, not randomly in the midddle or at bottom

You might want to take a look of the Scalar of their positions and make sure it isn’t all offset. If you don’t know how to convert it, this plugin can help.

plugin didnt help, not looking for third party tools

Well, would you mind showing me the position values for the GUI elements inside the ScrollingFrame?

Well, uh… The position is locked. Check if it’s using something like a UIListLayout, some of their properties can change the order in which items are placed.

thanks its uigridlayout and i had to set horizontalalignment to top

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my next issue is here, would appreciate your help