ScrollingFrame Mouse Wheel Bug

If the mouse wheel is used to scroll a ScrollingFrame, then when you reach the very top of the scrollbar, and keep scrolling with your mouse wheel:

  1. Then the focus goes away from the ScrollingFrame and onto your character, and scrolling causes the camera to zoom in.

  2. If you continue to scroll with the mouse wheel, your character eventually goes into first person view.

  3. When that happens, the mouse cursor snaps to the middle of the screen and maintains focus on your character.

  4. The problem this causes is that you can no longer scroll the ScrollingFrame, since the focus is on the character, and not the Scrolling Frame. This is especially problematic when you have a large ScrollingFrame covering most of the screen, since it is hard for the user to move the mouse to regain focus on the ScrollingFrame.


  1. Create a new project.
  2. Add a ScreenGui.
  3. Add a ScrollingFrame to the ScreenGui.
  4. Size the ScrollingFrame to that it takes up most of the screen, since this scenario is most problematic.
  5. Hit Play, and then scroll down a bit, and then back to the top, and keep scrolling upward with your mouse wheel. You will see the focus switch to your character, and the camera zooms in to first person. When this happens, the cursor is stuck in the middle, and the ScrollingFrame can no longer be scrolled.

The solution to this problem is when the scrollbar’s max top (or bottom) position has been reached, and the user keeps scrolling with a scroll wheel, then do not switch focus to the character. Keep the focus on the ScrollingFrame.


We actually already have a fix for this going out. Should hopefully be fixed tomorrow, a week from tomorrow at the latest.


Sorry to bump this old thread - this is not exactly the same but very similar.

If there is a scrollingframe on the screen and you zoom into first person, the mouse will then jump to the middle of the scrollingframe and get stuck, meaning you have to leave the game to fix it (as pressing Esc doesn’t fix it).

Pressing ‘O’ fixes it but barely any players know about this and is definitely a very annoying bug!

I’ve seen this happen in a few YouTube videos I watched recently and decided to test it out myself - here’s a gif: Imgur

This looks like an issue for the developer of the game to fix, honestly. By ‘fixing’ this ‘bug’, the feature of scrolling in first person is removed.

The fix for this is extremely easy, and not worth removing a certain functionality from scrolling frames just for a very minor convenience on the developer’s part. If a gui has a scrolling frame and the developer wants players to freely move their mouse even in first person, then they can set the Modal property of a gui button to true.

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