ScrollingFrame not behaving properly

I’m having an issue implementing a ScrollingFrame in my game. I’ve tried to isolate it from any GUI objects and still run into this problem, even upon creating brand-new ScrollingFrames. The issue is that I am able to scroll outside the bounds of the ScrollingFrame on the right side of it (I have the scroll bar set up on the right), while there is a chunk on the left side, inside the ScrollingFrame, where scrolling doesn’t work. I’ve tried resizing and I’ve tried to look around the forum; I could not find a similar issue.

It’s as if the scroll detection of the ScrollingFrame is shifted slightly. Also I am working in Studio, I’m not sure if this would occur in-game, as it’s my first time using a ScrollingFrame. Please let me know if a similar topic exists or if I’m missing something completely obvious.

Thanks for helping out everyone :slight_smile:

Side note: if you want to reproduce this, just create a scrolling frame and test it in studio. Don’t adjust the canvas size, all I did was change the size of the ScrollingFrame to 400x400 pixels, and changed the colour of the scrollbar to black so I could see it against the background. I’m not sure how to record a video quickly and post it but I’m hoping that won’t be necessary for something simple like this.

Edit: This extra detection is also occurring below the ScrollingFrame. I suppose it’s worth clarifying that I am scrolling up and down, as is the default when you create a ScrollingFrame.

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Hmm, I can’t seem to be able to replicate that. Is this how you had it?

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Wow that’s cool how you took the video so quickly!

The setup is similar except I am trying to use the scroll wheel on the mouse, instead of dragging the scrollbar. I just opened a new place and it’s not replicating this issue, either. It must be something internal with my game, I’ll have to look into it more. I might take a look at that video recording thing to show you guys what I mean.

Thanks :slight_smile:

To record a video quickly, just do the following:

  1. Click this record button in studio:
  2. Click the button again to finish recording, once you finish, the video will show up in this file:
  3. Go to, press upload video, find the video file (image above), upload it, and then wait for it to upload. Once it’s done a link will show up, just copy and paste that link.
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Alright thank you @cwd30 for showing me how to do that. I didn’t realize studio had built-in recording. Thanks

Here is the behaviour, it’s a little choppy so I’ll try to upload a new one that is a bit longer and more clear.

Seems like I still can’t replicate it, even while using the scroll wheel. Maybe try deleting that ScrollingFrame and remaking it?

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Yeah I couldn’t replicate it in a new place for some reason, so that’s why I think it’s something wrong with the game I’m working in right now. Also Studio has frozen for me so I’m still waiting on my PC to wake up. Sorry for wasting your time

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Alright, I restarted my place since it froze. And good thing, because apparently the scroll wheel works fine now. Luckily I saved (unlike last time it crashed).

Thank you @cwd30 for taking time to help me fix this, sorry that it happened to be solved by a simple restart. I’m not sure why my ScrollingFrames were like that, perhaps I’ve had the game open for too long. Either way, all is good now.

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No problem! 30 Characters

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