ScrollingFrame not resizing ImageButtons

Hey there! I’m making a game but ScrollingFrames are really annoying to fix! I’m trying to make a inventory system but whenever i add a imagebutton it seems to bug out.

How it’s suppose to be:

What it is:

Could anybody please help!

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well, sad how nobody replied but i fixed it. Thanks i guess…?

how can I solve this problem? :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

Yeah that’s what happens a lot. You just gotta hope your post gets seen, I’d try posting during earlier hours to get more attention.

Good thing you solved your problem. Make sure to mark your post as the solution

Uhh, i fixed it but i think you need to edit the buttons inside into scaled & make the UIsize asc size up with parent. Do some small justicements and it’ll be fixed.

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