ScrollingFrame scrolling too much

Hey, so I’ve realised that the input from scrolling on a ScrollingFrame is to move the Canvas Position by 150 units, how do I decrease that number to something like 50?

For smaller view windowed ScrollingFrames like this one, it would be essential to be able to change such setting somehow, how does one do this?

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You’d use CanvasSize, if that’s your problem in this case.

That’s not really a direct change to the input, all though I did try CanvasSize it didn’t change stuff though. It’s on 0,0,0,0 right now, and whatever i changed it to it doesn’t do anything.

Could you add a custom script to change the Mouse | Roblox Creator Documentation or Mouse | Roblox Creator Documentation inputs while on the GUI?

Not too sure. I’ll try it though!

Hey there! You could probably use something like this code I’ve written.

local scrollingframe = frame
local uigridlayout = scrollingframe:FindFirstChild("UIGridLayout")
local absoluteContentSize = uigridlayout.AbsoluteContentSize
scrollingframe.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, absoluteContentSize.Y+endpadding)
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