I use frame templates which are cloned in the scrolling frame. I didn’t touch the offset of ui elements, but rather the size (for frame)
I did the same with uigridlayout i used size and not offset.
Is it possible to somehow define how much the scrolling frame can go?
This is what i tried:
local gridLayout = ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIGridLayout")
if gridLayout then
local contentSize = gridLayout.AbsoluteContentSize
ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, contentSize.X, 0, contentSize.Y)
But it doesnt solve the issue and only ends up stretching my frames.
Anything that helps me fit in all the gui elements that get cloned inside will help… or if there’s a way to pre-define how much scrolling frame goes, that would work as well
the reason why i did not want to use offset is because the elements become bigger on mobile. i want them to keep the size, whereas using the size always helped me.