ScrollingFrames in SurfaceGuis on Mobile do not work properly

When ScrollingFrames are placed in a SurfaceGui, they do not work correctly with mobile input.

  • This happens regardless if the surfacegui is adorned to a part or it is a child of that part.
  • When it happens, the frame appears to work at first, but the frame will eventually lose responsiveness. In my experience this happens when the frame is scrolled to the bottom, and the touch is ended outside of it, but I cannot confirm this correlation. As soon as the frame reaches this state, it cannot be moved except to the extremes (very top/very bottom)

I’ve attached two examples of this happening. One is from the game I develop for, the other is an empty baseplate with a simple presentation of the bug.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Recording link

I am experiencing this issue as well- here is a video of what is happening in my experience if that helps.

Hi, this issue should be fixed now. Please let us know if you see any other issues with ScrollingFrames on mobile!


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