Seahorse Café! | Staff Handbook

:open_book: Introduction

Hello, reader! This is the official Seahorse Café staff guide. It is recommended that all members of staff read it before beginning to work at Seahorse Café.

👨‍💼 Rank Guide

V | Valued Customer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

Customer at Seahorse Café. Can have a fun time ordering and hanging out at the Café.

H | Honored Customer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

Similar to the rank above, but only given to special people at Seahorse Café, such as allied representatives and former HRs.

X | Suspended -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

Users who were suspended from Seahorse Café due to unruly behavior.

Staff-In-Training | Trainee -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

A member of staff who still needs to attend a training session.

Staff | Server -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

A member of staff who takes orders as a host or a bartender.

Staff | Chef -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

A member of staff who cooks food for customers.

Staff | Janitor -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

A member of staff who keeps the cafe clean by mopping up spills around the map.

Staff | Senior Staff -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

A member of staff who can do all of the above jobs. Last rank before MR.

Trial MR | Management Intern -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 25 》

New MR who passed MR applications or interviews and is getting used to the job before becoming a full MR. Can give strikes to customers.

MR | Supervising Team -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 25 》

The main purpose of this rank is to supervise LRs and fill out employee reviews in the SC Moderation group. They supervise staff and request for either promotions or demotions. They can request for a demotion for things like LRs being overly strict. They can request for a promotion if they notice someone being very active. This rank can also train at trainings.

MR | Senior Supervising Team -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 20 》

Does the same thing as the rank above, but is allowed to fill out employee reviews about Management Interns.

MR | Assistant Manager -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 20 》

This is the last rank before HR. The main purpose of this rank to to stop exploiters and spammers.

HR | Manager -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 15 》

This is the first HR rank. The main purpose of this rank is to read employee reviews, decide if the subject should be demoted/promoted, and demote or promote them. This rank can also host trainings and interview at MR interviews

HR | Administration Team -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 15 》

The main purpose of this rank is to stop raids and also do the job of Managers and Assistant Managers. This rank can also host MR interviews.

HR | Training Director -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 10 》

The main purpose of this rank is to ensure that trainings are being hosted regularly.

HR | Board of Directors -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 5 》

The main purpose of this rank is to supervise all MRs/HRs below and make sure they are doing their jobs correctly.

SHR | Chief Public Relations Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

This rank manages alliances and affiliate applications.

SHR | Chief Human Resources Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

This rank ensures that MR interviews are hosted regularly.

SHR | Chief Staffing Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

In charge of the employee reviews process, making sure it is running smoothly.

SHR | Chief Administration Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

In charge of Moderation and stopping disruptive customers.

SHR | Chief Communications Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

In charge of managing the communications server.

SHR | Chief Financial Officer -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

Makes sure the payment program is running smoothly.

SHR | Account Safety Supervisor -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 3 》

In charge of conducting background checks on all MR+ and ensuring that we have no abusive mods.

SHR | Executive Director -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 3》

In charge of managing all the chief officers.

VP | Vice President -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

Ensures all operations are running properly.

P | President -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

Oversees all ranks below.

D | Development Team -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - None 》

In charge of building and scripting the cafe.

BM | Business Manager -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

Perhaps the most important job at Seahorse Café. Works alongside the Chairman to get things done around the cafe.

HD | Head of Development -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

Manages the Development Team, and oversees their work.

VC | Vice Chairwomen -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 2》

Two people selected by the Chairman to assist in running the cafe.

C | Chairman -《 Maximum Rank Capacity - 1 》

The owner of Seahorse Café.

🤝 Alliance Information

Want to ally with Seahorse Café? Make sure you meet these requirements.

  1. Have 100+ members in your Roblox group.

  2. Be able to send at least one HR+ to Seahorse Café to communicate with us.

  3. Be willing to announce our events. (We will do the same for you.)

  4. Be active on a daily basis.

Meet all these requirements? Open a ticket in the communications server (found on the group page) and state that your would like to ally with Seahorse Café. Then answer these questions in the ticket.

  1. Link to your group?

  2. Does your group have a communications server? If so, please send an invite.

  3. How can you benefit SC?

  4. How can we benefit you?

  5. Who will you send to our group as a representative?

  6. How many members does your group have?

🔗 Links

Seahorse Café! - Roblox

SC | Moderation Team - Roblox

📋 Our Strictness Policy

Here at Seahorse Cafe, we accept joking. if someone is merely joking around, please do not take action. We try our hardest not to be too strict, so please do not be strict to customers. Treat them like friends, not like criminals.

💸 Our Payment Program

In the main cafe game, customers are able to tip staff, and they will receive Robux from their tips. They may also be eligible for little bonuses here and there if they are active. Additional details can be found within our communications server, but you do not have to join it to get tipped.

- 2022 Seahorse Café Human Resources Department