[strike]I’m going to overwrite these thumbnails without people’s builds, with thumbnails that showcase people’s builds on those islands. I’ll post a reply here when I do.[/strike] Updated with builds!
My brother gave me this panoramic thumbnail idea when he was looking at my game’s page. Then I went to studio, took 8 pics, then went to paint.net and photoshop. As far as I know, I’m the first person to do this with thumbnails. See any other cool thumbnail layouts? Reply here <:
Edit: It’s only viewable at the game’s page if you have the Beta Game Page, sorry. By the way, when’s that coming out for everyone else?
Yeah, theamazeman is zoomed in 110% on chrome, because I can replicate the same bug doing that. I wonder if the arrow-image bug when zoomed-in is even fixable? Weird haha
Finishing up my new panoramic with people’s builds from pilgrim islands reborn. Here’s a low-res preview [strike]while we wait for the new thumbnails to finish pending:[/strike]