Search Feature For Avatar Page

As a Roblox developer, but mostly user it’s currently impossible to find clothing if you have a lot of other clothes. So I guess my main goal with post is so perhaps we could get a search feature so you can search up clothing if you remember the items name. Some people could say “Why don’t you just search it on the catalog?”.Well, we’ve seen where that goes, haven’t we…

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve the player’s experience if they want to customize their character with different clothing items.

Thank you for reading and I hope this can become a reality in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:


There used to be a feature like that but I guess they removed it recently.


This is a feature in Roblox+ by WebGL3D, but sadly is not a feature in the vanilla Roblox experience.

I second this to be an officially supported feature because currently, without Roblox+, you can’t search your inventory at all and I can say personally that I use the search feature in Roblox+ basically every time I edit my avatar.


Highly agreed, and I don’t think a younger member who plays Roblox would know how to install Roblox+, nor even know what it is.


Support. I have ~300 hats and it is incredibly annoying to have to shift through all my hats manually. While for the time being I can use Ctrl + F, I would love to see a search bar within the avatar editor itself as not only would that be more convenient, but it would allow me to search for a hat on mobile devices which don’t have the same liberties as a compute (No Ctrl + F)