I have 2 places within my universe, which would be the Lobby and the Game, but how can I see information from another place in my universe? (I’m not looking for just 1 file, I’m trying to look for several, probably through :GetDescendants()
I want to search this archive of the lobby places:

In the place 2v2 (World 1)
Pretty sure there is no direct way to access another’s place workspace. The only way I see it works like this;
First of all, you need to have at least an active server in each place, at the same time.
From the 1st place, you send a MessagingService request. The second place will listen to the request. On request, a script within the second place will upload the files you are looking for in a DataStore, then send a MessagingService request back to the first place, telling it that the data upload was finished. On this event, the 1st place will get the data stored in the DataStore and there you have your files.
But again, it’s not that easy.