Search for Version History

The game I’m working on has over 14,000 versions because Team Create saves every ~5 minutes

I frequently have to go back a few days, or weeks, to grab something from a previous version. It’s super helpful. The problem is I can only go so far now, and scrolling to even 2 weeks ago takes 5+ minutes.

A search bar would be immensely helpful


There is this very helpful extension, which I believe is BTRoblox, which allows us to download a previous version from However, a “Go to Date” or “Go to Version” option in the studio menu would be greatly helpful.

I have the same suggestion, the version history in Roblox Studio has helped me a lot but it’s also true that without the search bar is very tiring especially in experiences with many versions. I really think that a search bar should be added because it would help developers a lot and saving time.

Hello! I honestly don’t use extensions, but I think downloading version by version can be a very tiring work in experiences with many versions, since the version history in Roblox Studio allows you to open the version place in another window without having to download one by one. So the search bar is something that should be added definitely.