Reproduction Steps
Using Firefox logged in and Edge logged out, I was given the same search result sort using the provided discover link.
Expected Behavior
I would expect Sinking of Greyrock to come up under keyword ship prominently.
Actual Behavior
Sinking of Greyrock is on row 25, and its been like that for months:
My dead game, Sinking Ships, which is old, unmaintained, unplayed, and comparatively poorly received is on row 1:
Furthermore, in the over 100 places leading down to its dregs, Sinking of Greyrock sits behind copyright infringing, abysmal 11% ratings, and content-deleted experiences, many 0 players, favorites, or like. It’s estranged.
I had to DMCA someone who’s phising with my old branding: Sinking Ship II - Roblox
Their trap was planted rows ahead of where my game still sits, somehow.
Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Discover - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-11-10 00:11:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-01-28 00:01:00 (-05:00)