Searching for a Programmer and UI person to add to our team.
About Us
Hi there, I’m Kirai - a small SCPF owner with a site which is almost completely built. We’re looking for more people to add to our team which includes a scripter and someone to make UIs.
The Team
@Valaxain - The Administrator
@Musketfall - Builder
@Mrs_RedReality - SCP Creator
@username - UI
@username - Scripter
@username - GFX Artist
You can see our progress here: Discord in the channel #dev-progress.
About The Job
We are looking for someone, or two people who can script the entire game and make User Interface. We plan on launching late this month, or sometime in November.
We require you to put in at least 3 hours of work each day unless you are incredibly busy.
- Must be at least 13 years old
- Must use Discord regularly
- Have experience in the SCP genre [BIG MUST]
- Meet our standards
- Have good communication with us
- Put in at least 3 hours daily
Payment is negotiable, the highest amount I am spending on this project is 100-150 USD. So for scripting and UI, payment is negotiable. DM me on Discord at Kirai#0001.
Contact Us
The best way to contact me would be on Discord: Kirai#0001.
Thanks for reading!