Searching on DevForum squishes search results as if I'm on phone

I am on macOS using Arc.

There’s an even better category for this. #forum-help:forum-bugs


Are you seeing the same behavior on Chrome or Safari? Arc is not a supported browser and I’m unable to reproduce this using the latest version of Arc (1.86.0).

Can you provide some information about your setup? is it only on certain breakpoint/certain page?

Found the issue. It was a browser extension that was messing with it. Never would have suspected it, probably has something to do with conflicting class names. You can close this now, thank you for your time!

No problem! Are you comfortable with sharing what the extension name is that is causing this? We can help reach out to the Developer of the extension if this is impacting a wider range of folks.

It’s a small extension with ~100 uesrs made by a fellow student in one of my organizations. I’ve already reached out to the team about it, so they should be looking into it. It seems to be caused by the manifest file applying the extension to every website, instead of the select few it is targeted for. I appreciate the support though!

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