Seasons Resort | Job Information

Job Information

  • Ranks are given through application, interview or promotions. Skipping ranks is not allowed, excluding suspended. Ranks are not sold, free-ranked, or granted to friends. Must go through the application or interview process, then training.

  • Uniform must be worn at all time for staff members, you do not need to buy the uniforms. They are given automatically upon entering the reception or bar at the resort.

  • Abusing moderator commands or administrator commands will lead to severe consequences and termination. This goes to abusing the group shout.

  • Receptionist can work as bar attendants or customer service.

  • Bar Staff cannot work as customer service or receptionist.

  • Customer Service cannot work as a receptionist but can work as a bar attendant.

-LR stands for low rank, Awaiting Training - Receptionist
-MR stands for middle rank, Head of Services - Executive Management
-HR stands for high-rank, Service Manager - General Manager
-SHR stands for senior high rank, Board of Directors - Chairman

  • -Premium Room Suites are given to people who are in the suites lane, they are not to be granted for free. If the user does not own the gamepass and is in suites lane, please claim it called noclip or glitching and report to HR. If the user has no game pass, the check-in system will deny the user.

  • -Promotions are given to staff members that have good work ethics, great grammar, awesome activity with the group, being beneficial, and following all rules and regulations of Seasons Resort and Roblox. Do not hint/ask for promotions, or your chances will decrease extremely.

  • -Moderator commands or admin commands are not sold or given for free. They are automatically granted to MR/HR/SHR in each game except the application center upon joining the game. Moderator commands are automatically granted to Honored Members on upon joining the resort.

  • All ROBLOX rules and regulations are to be followed at all times, including Seasons Resort rules.

  • All interview and training hosting plus helping procedures must be followed.

  • Be professional and mature at all times, regard to the Staff Code of Conduct for more information.

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