Seat Disabled Doesn't Work

I’ve disabled the seat through studio as you can see, and despite it showing as Disabled, I’m still able to sit on it by walking up to it. I think I might be using this wrong or something.
I’ve also seen other threads but none of them solve this issue.
(the proximityprompt was not used to sit on the seat, ignore it)

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Disabling the seat prevents sit engagement through contact. But does not disable script forced interaction such as: Seat:Sit()

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Yes, that’s the problem. Even though it is disabled, it still allows contact sitting, which is what I’m trying to stop.

Seems like you’re making the player sit in a couch, did you inspect the model to check if there’s any other seats that are close to each other in the model?

You could delete the seat and then remake it when you need it again.

Ah, I see. Yeah there is one hidden when it was being built and I was never told. I appreciate your assistance.

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