So I have a script and it can give the tools but when try to remove the tools when player leave the seat, it gives me this error. It makes me feel more weird when it gives me error only when a player leaving their seat, but when they get to seat it’s working, it gives tools. If someone can help me, please help me, thank you.
local seat = script.Parent
local lastplr
if seat.Occupant:IsA("Humanoid") then
local humanoid = seat.Occupant.Parent
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(humanoid)
local tool = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Popcorn:Clone()
tool.Parent = plr.Backpack
lastplr = plr
elseif not seat.Occupant and lastplr then
local tool = lastplr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Popcorn") or lastplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Popcorn")
if tool then
lastplr = nil
seat.Occupant will return nil if there is no occupant, thus nil:IsA("") will be an attempt to index nil.
Remember the Occupant signal will fire on both entry and exit, this sounds like the error occurs when someone jumps out.
You could address this by checking first if seat.Occupant exists, if not, someone just left the seat and you should skip the tool handling.
Try adding an ObjectValue to the seat. On the event, if seat.Occupant exists, set the ObjectValue’s .Value to it. If seat.Occupant doesn’t exist, see if the ObjectValue exists. If it does, that’s the person who was just sitting there, so you have an active reference to them.
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local server = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local popcorn = server.Popcorn
local seat = script.Parent
local lastPlayer
if seat.Occupant then
local humanoid = seat.Occupant
local character = humanoid.Parent
local player = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if player then
lastPlayer = player
local backpack = player.Backpack
local characterTool = character:FindFirstChild(popcorn.Name)
local backpackTool = backpack:FindFirstChild(popcorn.Name)
if characterTool or backpackTool then --Prevents giving out duplicate tools to the same player.
local popcornClone = popcorn:Clone()
popcornClone.Parent = backpack
elseif not seat.Occupant then
if lastPlayer then
local character = lastPlayer.Character
local backpack = lastPlayer.Backpack
local characterTool = character:FindFirstChild(popcorn.Name)
if characterTool then
local backpackTool = backpack:FindFirstChild(popcorn.Name)
if backpackTool then
I’ve added the tool removing functionality to your script (when the player’s character leaves the seat) and also made some other improvements/optimisations like preventing duplicates tools from being awarded.
I already responded to the other thread but I’ll post the same reply here too.