Second audio creation

Hello! I am SergeantCel. I like making science roleplays and other sciency things on Roblox, and I am starting audio. This is my second attempt, please give feedback!

Created using Chrome Music Lab

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In my opinion it is a good audio.

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This is actually really sick for a second attempt lol. I tried music composition and it was horrible. The only thing is it sounds a little choppy around 8 seconds in, but if that’s the type you want, it’s perfect👌

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Thank you! I took a few minutes on this. (Sorry I am late, I was making burgers :hamburger:)

Thanks! I spent a little bit on it. Sorry I am late, I was cooking. :hamburger:

Category changed to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations, rather than #help-and-feedback:art-design-support where technical questions should be asked about.