Second Build Ever, Recreation-Anime builds

I just Finished working on this, it took me like 3 hours because this is my second build to ever be made my first was just a tree and everything you see in there is made by me except the car. You are free to give me any feedbacks to improve on my building.

Original Picture

Roblox Recreation


It would be better only if the overall lighting was a bit greenier. This is cool!


The tree trunks look a bit glitchy and undetailed. Maybe darken the color and remake the texture?


The car looks like a miniature version of the car. Scaling it up would fox it.


First off I’d like to say; Great work! Though here’s a few tips on how to improve your build!

I’d suggest adding little lighting detail’s to make the overall environment POP!, this can be done by simply using, Ambience, Depth-Of-Field, and Future Lighting Settings. Though your build is very nice, it’s a bit bland. Try using more detailed asset’s, thing’s out of a nature pack (No worries, nothing’s wrong with using a few models, though keep it to a minimum to ensure the authenticity of your work!)


More Detail Suggestions & Information

When scaling your objects, be sure to use a simple NPC, to make sure you have the correct ROBLOX scale in place, to make your build’s pop more.

For the windows, add a glass layer texture, with a .25 transparency rate to give it a nice finishing effect, so the windows won’t be so bright.

Utilize the scaling technique for door’s, windows, cars, Vice-Versa.

With a bit of touch up’s, this build will look perfect!