Second Complete Outfit

I took on-board the advice from the first outfit, and have incorporated it into this outfit which is now my second complete outfit. It’s a brown trenchcoat with leather underneath.

Any advice or feedback is appreciated!

Boots: v4l11x


Pooks very good though I would make the darker spots on the grey part less visible


This looks amazing! Small question, do you use layers? The details look a bit blurry.

You could probably make details such as the belt and the collar stand out a bit more by making each special detail from a different layer, then shade underneath. From my experience, it makes it look a bit sharper!

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Sort of looks really messy. Not sure where the blur on the legs and torso are coming from, but it looks unnatural and seems like a mistake.

The actual coat seems blurry as well. For the design of the clothing, the belt is held too high, about ribcage height. The belt should be closer to the center of their abdominal region. The shoes look too large, try sizing them and the details down. The skirts of the coat should overlap the boots, otherwise it’s tucked into the boots. The boots also look too dark and saturated compared to the rest of the coat.

Not sure which style of trench coat you went for, but I’ll assume sort of a mixture of a military and civilian style trench coat.
Having the left side (right side for your view) of the coat being tucked up doesn’t make too much sense, and it makes the outfit look bad. Try leaning it downwards.

Having the details pop out would help so people can actually see the belt and buttons, otherwise from a distance it just looks like the color brown.

In simple form, saturate the color of the boots, size the boots down, get rid of that blurry grey thing there is behind the coat, pop the details out, and get the left side of the trench coat back down.


I love it! But it seems a little too blurry, the wrinkles are very blurred. The pants shine is a little too bright in my opinion. But, other than that, this is a major improvement! With the so little time you have been doing this, its amazing!
I noticed after I wrote this comment that you didn’t separate the trench coat and the pants, it would be better to as someone might just want the pants and not the trench coat. Separating clothing helps get more sales, and they can also be linked together as the matching part, as some people might want the top and not the bottom.

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I do I think the problem with the outline was that I added blur to it as well as turning opacity down, so will keep in mind!

Also thanks for the shading tip

Man way to be blunt haha love it! The belt on the reference image was quite high, I was going to move it down but decided to just keep it how it was from the image.

Oh man I completely forgot that you don’t tuck things into shoes :man_facepalming:! The trench coat was completely brown - all the same colour.

Thank you I’ll definitely keep these in mind, given it’s only my second outfit it really means a lot to get all this feedback! :star2:

Edit: forgot to add that I was following the exact reference image so that grey blurry thing is my feeble attempt at leather hahaha

Thank you! Quick question, how would I separate them while keeping the lower part of the trench coat?

It looks great! I’m just not sure about the hands though. You might want to keep them transparent so any skin tone can be used with the outfit.

The boots also seem to shadow the rest of the outfit, and seem out of place.

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Don’t worry about the hands hahahah they are just part of the showcase I put the clothes on, they aren’t actually part of it!

Yeah the boots were honestly just slapped on at the end I’ll take more time with it next time, thank you.

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