Second if statement doesn't work

Hello, i am a beginner scripter, i am currently working on a game called “Image Clicking Simulator” and i want help to why my second if statement doesn’t work.

The script:

You can see the part where it doesn’t work. When i click the upgrade button then the image doesn’t even level up to image 3! Also here is the game inside:

And the explorer:

Make sure you end the first if before you start the second one. Since the second if is inside the first, the conditions of the second won’t be met when the first runs. Since you’re setting ImageButton1.Visible to false, the first if will never run again, and thus will never check if it can run the second.

For future reference, instead of sending an image, please paste your script into your post and put ``` before and after it. It will automatically be formatted and makes it much easier to read and work with.

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Ohh i didnt check properly :sweat_smile: But still thanks!

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