SECOND PHOTO, post 15/16: Feedback on a small football stadium that I am making for a game


I am not a fan of the chosen texture but the work is generally good.


The interior could use some design.

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I could try, I do not know what to do for design though.

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This looks kinda interesing and good but i don’t get for what this huge carpet on a football field is used for?

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I have inspiration from where I live (in a rural area), and the mayor of the town made the sports hall nearly last year, before school started.


Ohhh okay. That kinda makes sense i guess, inspiration is useful thing!

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I think you could turn down the saturation on the fabric and maybe add some wall bumpers in a darker color to make the walls look less empty


Maybe add some posters / colors on the wall :wink: great work!

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I have updated it. Now, it is less fabric, but it is going to be worked on still. There is some stuff that needs to happen. Also, this is not it - stay tuned for more! I will send the picture later.

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It’s pretty nice, If this is a main building in your game i would maybe add a scorboard or some sorft of decorations. If not then yeah looks good!

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We have citizens, so this will be a main building. The score will be automatically be pinned, on a private server, as the private servers will be free. There will be private servers that will be official for the football games.

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Like @Phirsts said wall trims to make the walls less plane, try looking at a reference, It helps a lot !

Or add some posters

It’s Great Though So-Yeah!!!

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It no longer is a building that needs walls. It has fences, when I did the thing I did not get a screenshot. I will go into the game now, so you can see, in Studio.

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Ok that’s cool!
I really liked it though!

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I have improved the small stadium, now it looks more like in real life (in my opinion). It was also filmed on 10 May 2021, so here it is now

Any more opinions, guys?


Wow looks even better! maybe some bleachers or seating areas! But yeah this looks awesome!

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Still needs some lights, then it would look awesome at night. Also, there will not be seating areas but spectators can watch because I will be extending the paths for that to happen.


That looks better! I like that it uses a different texture and its outdoors.

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The interior is a bit plane and needs a lot of work the colours aren’t those that resemble a football stadium.
All in all it needs a lot of work

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