Seconds to minutes please!

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to convert my timer from seconds to minutes in the script below.
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    When I try to convert my seconds to minutes nothing works and I’ve tried for the past week. I hope somebody can give me guidance!
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve looked all over youtube and I even asked the forum here but nothing seems to work and I’m somewhat clueless about where to put everything because I’m fairly new to scripting! Also let me know if I need to create a folder in the developer hub because I can since I have my timed remoteevent named “BestTime” and I have my checkpoint sound that plays when you step on one of my checkpoints! Script below:
local currentTime = 0
local timerStopped = false
local Runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local personalBest = player:WaitForChild("PersonalBest") or math.huge
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local textLabel = script.Parent
textLabel.Text = "Timer: " .. string.format("%.3f", currentTime) .. "\nPersonal Best: " .. string.format("%.3f", personalBest.Value)
	textLabel.Text = "Timer: " .. string.format("%.3f", currentTime) .. "\nPersonal Best: " .. string.format("%.3f", personalBest.Value)

function onStartTouched(hit)
	timerStopped = false
	startTime = tick()
	currentTime = 0
		if not timerStopped then
			currentTime = tick() - startTime
			textLabel.Text = "Timer: " .. string.format("%.3f", currentTime) .. "\nPersonal Best: " .. string.format("%.3f", personalBest.Value)

function onEndTouched(hit)
	if not timerStopped then
		timerStopped = true
		if currentTime > 0 and currentTime < personalBest.Value then
			personalBest.Value = currentTime
		textLabel.Text = "Timer: " .. string.format("%.3f", currentTime) .. "\nPersonal Best: " .. string.format("%.3f", personalBest.Value)


you can try to use this snippet down below

local mins = 0
local secs = 95 -- seconds here

while not (secs-60<0) do
mins = mins + 1 -- adds minutes
secs = secs - 60 -- subtracts seconds
output = mins.."m"..secs.."s"

print(output) -- outputs 1m35s

Code Snippet

Hope this helps!

Wait where do I put it? Between, after or before which lines? :sob:

After. Cause you want to convert the time after ending the timer

Alright 2 questions:Do i delete any of my code? And where do I put this code, after what section? I apologize for all the questions im a new dev and im curious

You don’t need to remove all of your code, it’s just code for converting

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