Seconds to MS (minutes, seconds)

How about minutes and seconds

I want to know all so i dont have to ask again

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What do you mean???

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bro legit do:

seconds / 60 (seconds to minutes)

minutes * 60 (minutes to seconds)

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It would really be helpful to have an example of some of the things you’re trying to do so people will know how to help.

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What is he even trying to say?


That’s exactly what I’m asking lol

It’s in the title. It’s really not that hard to understand what hes trying to ask for.

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One of my old conversion functions, I think this is what you want?

local function convertToMS(Seconds)
	local function Format(Int)
		return string.format("%02i", Int)

	local Minutes = (Seconds - Seconds%60)/60
	Seconds = Seconds - Minutes*60
	local Hours = (Minutes - Minutes%60)/60
	Minutes = Minutes - Hours*60
	return Format(Minutes)..":"..Format(Seconds)

seconds to minute:second

--~compile lua 
function i(str)
  local stuf = ""
  local e = str:split(":")
  for i, v in next, e do 
    stuf = stuf .. ((#v == 2) and v or ("0%s"):format(v)) .. ":"
  return stuf
function ms(sexs)
  return i(("%s:%s"):format(math.floor(secs/60), math.min(secs%60))):sub(0, 5)
-- didnt get to test the code since i cant open roblox studio :smiel:
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local s = 300
print(math.floor(s/60).."m "..s%60.."s")