Security and Safety

Hello, ROBLOXians.


I am writing this because I am concerned for the safety of some on ROBLOX. As a researcher, I’ve seen a rise in logged and hacked accounts. Here are some tips of what to look out for and how to stay safe on ROBLOX.

Security: Links and Downloads

As many of you may know, links are now a popular method of cookie logging or just logging peoples accounts. This is now turning into a VERY dangerous issue. I’ve done some talking with an ‘inside man’ who has been in one of these theft servers. He said that you should look out for people with usernames that claim to be inappropriate as that name will be tagged by the ROBLOX filter. After that, they’ll tell you to send your accounts name and show an inspect elemented copy of what seems to be “No results found of [your username]”. At this point, you should know your in danger since this is already a bit suspicious. After that, they’ll link you their “account” which will actually go to a link that grabs your password. This method is usually used when trading on games like Skyblox and Adopt Me and typically the items are then later listed on ebay. Another popular method is Javascript links which say to be “Limited Snipers” or “Clothing Bots” but are actually cookie loggers.

You need to look out for both of these as both these methods will give the hacker/ logger your password or ROBLOSecurity cookie. Ways you can avoid this is by not clicking any links or looking out for scam links. There are only 2 real links that lead to ROBLOX which are .web and .com. If your account is >13 then you will get a .web link and if your account is over 13 you will have a .com link. Look out for .web- links though!

Never download anything that claims to be an FPS Booster or a server of some kind, it is most likely a stub. A stub is a download which a program makes which actually gives your cookies to the attacker whenever you open ROBLOX with it open in any kind of format, even the mini-bar.

Safety: How to keep your account safe

Use 2FA.
Sign out of all sessions when you go to sleep or go offline: this causes anyone on the account to sign out and cookies only last once.
Use a PIN.
Attach an email (obviously).
Attach a phone number.

That’s basically it, thanks for reading!

Sorry, this forum is pretty bad because it was rushed.