Security feature does not work as intended

If the function log out of all other devices is used, you will be logged out on and not logged out on

No workaround

Issue Area: Browser
Issue Type: Security issue
Impact: Fatal
Frequency: Constantly


Technically not intended, but the devforum and roblox itself are (for all intents and purposes related to this) two separate websites, and so this is to be “expected”.

I can kinda see why this could be an issue however with the amount of people who have their passwords stolen and used on the devforum to get them banned from both ends.

Yes, because it is for, but not It is definitely possible to sync logouts through SSO, however there is no bug since this was never a feature in the first place, as far as I am aware. Impact doesn’t seem as fatal as you claim it to be, especially since you need to access the account in the first place to get into the devforum with the same account, which signing out of other devices prevents, no?


Workaround is possible and valid. Please press log out on any logged in account on the DevFourms, doing so will log all devforum seasons out.

Issue is not a bug but a limitation with the SSO used. You may find it useful to make an appropriate feature request to the correct channels.