Specifically in:
There is a string value in that plist file called “password”, which obviously has your password stored, in plain text, unencrypted. Not only that, if you have remember me turned off, it’s still saved anyway, in plain text, too.
This is VERY VERY BAD. Any Mac or PC will be able to download that plist file from your iOS device and see your password, even if the device is locked with a passcode (As long as it trusts the computer because you’ve plugged it in before and hit “trust” on your device, it can find your password). This means you could download a nasty piece of malware which downloads the plist file and sends your password off somewhere else. All this can happen without you even knowing.
If you backup your iOS device to iTunes, even over Wi-Fi, it is possible an application can fetch your password out of the backups.
This might also be the case with the new Roblox Mobile Android app, but I don’t know for sure. (Edit: PlusSean says it is also stored in plain text on Android, but it’s only accessible by root)
Simple ways to protect yourself:
[li]Avoid downloading risky things from the internet. It’s that simple.[/li]
[li]Enable iTunes’s backup encryption, and choose a good password to encrypt the backups to keep your data safe. It adds another layer of protection of all your data, not just roblox mobile.
[li]Download an iOS file editor like iFunBox or iExplorer, open up the files for Roblox Mobile, and delete /Library/Preferences/com.roblox.robloxmobile.plist from it (Jailbreakers, you can also open iFile and remove /var/mobile/Applications/[find roblox mobile’s ID]/Library/Preferences/com.roblox.robloxmobile.plist)

[li]Avoid logging in with your main account on Roblox Mobile. You should remove the plist first, and use a different account you wouldn’t care if it was gotten in to, or you can play as a guest and be completely safe.[/li]
Edit: Added images, fixed file path