See hooks through walls effect from dead by daylight?

what would I need to use to recreate this effect if it’s even possible?

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You could use SurfaceGuis and set the property “AlwaysOnTop” to true.

I know, but that’s just for basic GUI shapes. I don’t think you can make complex shapes like this with surfaceguis

I meant, you can cover all surfaces with surface guis.

You can use a viewport frame, place the model in it and set it’s camera to your current camera.


Using a ViewportFrame would be the easiest, and most effective solution.
However, keep in mind you will be rendering these models twice every frame and will have an atleast (somewhat) noticable performance drop.

You would need to clone all the overlayed objects in to the ViewportFrame, apply effects (transparent, red, forcefield material maybe) and then set the ViewportFrame’s camera to the LocalPlayer’s.

Absolutely you can, with ViewportFrames (x3 mention of it). In addition to all of the words supplied by the first mention of ViewportFrames and the second by the above about the camera, make sure - the third thing - is that you have IgnoreGuiInset off, otherwise it’ll be offset strangely.

Repro file for the above image:
spooky wall vision.rbxl (29.3 KB)


Yeah and don’t forget to write in “LocalScript”

script.Parent.ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera