"See # new or updated topics" in category pages not working

There is a bug in the DevForum where pressing the “See # new or updated topics” in a category page is dysfunctional.

When it started happening: Unknown

  1. Press a category
  2. Wait for a new post
  3. Try to press “See # new or updated topics”
  • Impact: Minimal
    Frequency: Constantly
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The topics should appear under the category listings. Not in the category listings themselves. Scroll down.

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Then what’s the point of the “See # new or updated topics” button at the top? Makes no sense. At least make the button automatically scroll down or actually have function.

Why have something for nothing?

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You should file a feature request about it, or ideally submit it to meta.discourse.org so the maintainers of Discourse can take that into account. The problem is just that there’s so many subcategories in #help-and-feedback that you can’t see the threads show up.

Not a bug because this is working as intended.

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