I am attempting to create a system which will show you the amount of players in a place, within a universe. What I am trying to do is create a GUI. for visualization, so players can see the amount of players in each minigame. I’ve seen ways to do this by using a server or by getting the universeId, however I couldn’t figure it out. What i’ve seen is using a proxy like https://rprxy.xyz/, and I have tried it, although I do not know how to utilize it. However I do not know where to begin. Any suggestions of help? Thanks!
NOTE: I have found a way, although it isn’t working correctly. There is this output:
function players_online(place_id)
local web = game.HttpService:GetAsync("https://www.rprxy.xyz/games/7042977427")
local player_text = string.find(web,"Playing")
local new = string.sub(web,player_text)
local number_start = string.find(new,">")
new = string.sub(new,number_start)
local number_end = string.find(new,"<")
new = string.sub(new,2,number_end-1)
local players_online = string.gsub(new,",","")
return tonumber(players_online)
print("script ended")```
I would think this is because you are printing the function and not running it
It is now saying that there is a “HttpError: InvalidRedirect” Any way to fix that?
I’m not sure, I’m not good with HTTPService, sorry.
Alright, thanks for your help anyways.
You are using the wrong URL and I think that Id is from a place, not the universe/experience, try this
local ID =
function players_online(place_id)
local web = game.HttpService:GetAsync("https://games.rprxy.xyz/v1/games?universeIds=" .. ID)
local data = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(web).data[1]
local Playing = data.playing
return tonumber(Playing)
print("script ended")
Go to the game settings and find your game, then click on “configure experience” and, in the link that will open, copy the numbers and paste them on the first line.
PS: use pcall as it sometimes crashes.
This script looks very good. The only problem that the output is giving me the “HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)” Would adding a wait() help?
That error is not because of the script, as it says, it means that it could not be done because there are too many requests and, I think, this is because Roblox itself asks for that data, that’s what the pcall is for
local ID =
function players_online(place_id)
return pcall(function()
local web = game.HttpService:GetAsync("https://games.rprxy.xyz/v1/games?universeIds=" .. ID)
local data = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(web)
return data.data[1].playing
local Success, playing = players_online()
if Success then
print("Error found")
You could make a text that says “An error has occurred, retrying on …” and try a few seconds later.
I am configuring it, although it is only responding with a 0 player count. I’m going to look into it further.