Seeking Feedback On My New Project

Hello, over the span of 2 days I’ve created a game that I’m really proud of and I would like to hear your opinion on it; as well as telling me what I could do better.

Here’s the link:

The name is obviously inspired by blockerman’s minesweeper.

Please do not say anything about the lobby, I’m currently to find ideas for it and rework it, I would like to hear your opinion on the base game only.

Datastore’s are also going to be added soon. (added in ALPHA

(To enter the game you step on any of the green lines and wait 5 seconds to get teleported into the main game.)


i did not understand the purpose of flags , also there is no animation for removing flags

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and the game is kinda boring , no music , no other player , no goal , you should add items shop for maybe flag skins or something

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You need to place flags on all the mines and uncover all tiles which are not mines to win, just like in the original minesweeper. You can also play with other players if that’s what you mean. I started working on adding flag skins today and a shop is coming soon as well. I don’t really know what music to add, but I’ve thought about adding it. Difficulty voting will also be remade due to the fact console players can’t chat.

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Played for a while, and it’s pretty solid. The one thing I could gripe at is that you have to walk onto tiles to uncover them, and I misstepped a fair number of times. I could also suggest non-rectangular boards, but if that’s not what you’re going for, then that’s more than alright.


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll probably do something to fix the misstepping problem in a few updates and I could definitely try making something like non rectangular boards :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really like the text and such, the difficulty vote i’m guessing is temporary. And, should be a gui. All the effects are really nice, sounds are satisfying, but walking on them, everywhere else looks bland though, like the background, and the tiles get repetitive to look at
Really good mechanics, good job.


Thank you! You’re right, the voting will be made into a GUI in a few updates and I’m also going to be adding board customization in the future as well. Right now I’m focusing on making the skins, shop and currency. Thanks for the feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

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