I’m currently working on a project and I’m exploring ways to identify the game a client is playing within Roblox through external applications. Initially, I had an idea of obtaining the client’s Roblox ID and utilizing the Roblox API to track their game activity. However, this method seems somewhat inconvenient and might not align well with the user experience.
Hence, I’m reaching out to inquire if anyone here has had experience or insights into alternative methods to achieve this goal. I’m curious about potential approaches that might allow for the detection of the specific game a user is engaged with on Roblox without directly relying on roblox web api.
Well, you could install spyware on every player’s computer to monitor their Roblox-related activities. Maybe even some bloatware to earn some extra cash.
Nah, just kidding, but really, there isn’t a (legal) way to do this without interacting with the Roblox web API in some way. I mean, there’s only one entity that can access the current state of every player on its platform, and its Roblox. How do you get information from Roblox externally? Through the web API.
Why is this? It seems pretty straightforward and a great solution to me.
Well, when RobloxBetaPlayer.exe is launched, a PlaceID parameter is passed to it, which you can intercept and get the place information using the Roblox web API (you’re gonna use it no matter what, although this is a bit more straightforward because you won’t have to run a loop sending get requests to Roblox).
The way that Bloxstrap does it appears to be through parsing the log files for specific lines that indicate what the client is doing.
Bloxstrap is open-source, and the license states that you have
[...] the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.