Select Topics feature?

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As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to remove a post from the unread list without using the “dismiss all”, and maybe we just want to dismiss one or two.
This is a small idea in the order of steps that would be required to dismiss selected messages:

1. Click a button that says Select Topics to be able to select topics.
2. Once clicked, a square icon will be addresed to each topic.
3. Click on the square box to select a message, the box should have a tick in it once clicked.
4. Click on a button that says Dismiss Selected Topics to remove the selected topics from the unread list.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because some topics I’m not interessed in will stay and topics I want to read get harder to look for.

If you want to get rid of them one at a time, an alternative for now would be to just click the notification and back right out of it.

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Alternatively, if you wish not to be notified when new responses happen to a thread you’ve participated in, you can make sure its not being watched or tracked:

You can instead use normal or muted depending on how interested you are in the topics.

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