Selecting a part by name through index?

There are 3 parts in this folder, 1 part I would like for it to maintain it’s CanCollide option. However, I’d like to select that by name if possible, not by index number.

This is a tree, it has a Stump, Base & Leaves and I would like for the Leaves to maintain the CanCollide.

I have tried an if statement, and it works, however, causes an error in the output that I would like not to happen if possible. The reason it happens is because some of my trees don’t have leaves and some do, so if I use this script across multiple trees and some don’t have leaves, this if statement shoots that error in the output.

I have also tried :FindFirstChild(“Leaves”) and this similarly causes an error of infinite yield that I would also not like to appear in my output.

local resource = game.workspace.folder
for i = 1, #resource do
    resource[i].Transparency = 1
    resource[i].CanCollide = false
for i = 1, #resource do
    resource[i].Transparency = 0
    resource[i].CanCollide = true

For the sake of this post, I’ve only sectioned out the part of the script I’m having trouble with.

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If it’s because not having leaves, why not name the trees without leaves differently?

This doesn’t yield, that’s :WaitForChild(), are you using the correct method?

My suggestion is to just rename the part.

Try this code:

local resource = game.Workspace.folder

for i = 1, #resource do
    resource[i].Transparency = 1
    resource[i].CanCollide = false


local leaves = resource:FindFirstChild("Leaves")
if leaves then
    leaves.Transparency = 0
    leaves.CanCollide = true

By using FindFirstChild, you can check if the “Leaves” part exists before attempting to modify its properties

It looks like you have a minor error here. workspace should be capitalized.

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Oh, sorry, my problem, I just copied the code and made some small changes, that’s all, I didn’t try ‘Workspace’

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The error may be because the Resource Folder in the Workspace was not found because you did not capitalize that ‘workspace’ in the resource variable

Oh, I didn’t see it was in the original post, my bad :smile:

I’m going to take the liberty to re-organize your example code a little.

-- I'm assuming you want to go over the children of the folder.
local resource = game.workspace.folder:GetChildren()
for index, part in resource do
    if part:IsA("BasePart") then
        part.Transparency = 1
        part.CanCollide = false
for index, part in resource do
    if part:IsA("BasePart") then
        part.Transparency = 0
        -- Could also just do part.CanCollide = part.Name ~= "Leaves"
        if part.Name ~= "Leaves" then
              part.CanCollide = true

With this you firstly check that only the child element that are parts are being affected. Secondly you check the name Leaves.

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Thank you for all of the quick replies, however the “game.Workspace.folder” is just a placeholder and not in the actual script. I have tried the :FindFirstChild(“Leaves”) But when the Leaves part is not there it’s causing the output error. The reason I don’t make a separate script for the trees without leaves is because I have an OS script that references the day of the year UTC and deletes all of the leaves during specific times of the year. So when a player chops down this tree, this error will appear in the output. It really isn’t a huge issue, only in studio, I was just wondering if there was a way for it to check for this part by name, and if it doesn’t have it, then it wont cause an error, just end the script.

This is the solution I was looking for. This doesn’t cause an output error even if the part does not exist.

for index, part in resource do
	if part.Name == "Leaves" then
		part.CanCollide = false
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Glad to hear it worked out for you! :smiley:

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