Selecting models inside models

I know I can select parts inside models by Alt + Click, but how can I select models inside models?


As far as I know, it is impossible. To select models within models, I select a part of the model I want to select and scroll in the explorer until I find the entire model.


I’m not too sure, but I don’t believe so.

The only way that I know of to do this is to manualyl select the model from the explorer, just as @Crazedbrick1 said.
Screenshot 2023-05-31 192257

I suppose it’s not actually practical for roblox to add a feature like that, as a raycast will always be used, and a certain part can be a descendant of multiple models. This means roblox would need to choose which one, and it may not be correct in which one you were looking for.

We need this feature added, whether it be an actual update or through a plugin.


Apply locked to the model you’re planning to select through of.
Hold Alt after that and click the object inside.

object.rbxm (22.5 KB)

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I use the Building Tools by FX3 plugin and it’s really helpful. You can even select a model, press Alt+F to “enter” that model and select parts or models within that model.

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