This is a multi-part bug where several behaviors come together to create an unpleasant experience:
- click+dragging to select in the 3D view will select Attachments, regardless of their position in the hierarchy
- Reparenting a selection attempts to reparent all selected objects to the new parent
- Attachments are not allowed to be parented to non-parts
- click+dragging a selection to a new parent in Explorer will show a message,
but complete the operation successfullyand fail:
- setting the parent of a selecting using the Properties pane and selecting the new parent will show this message, and the operation will fail:
The combination of these behaviors make the default studio tool infeasable to use if you want to use Attachments in your builds, as reparenting selections becomes a chore. The only time I use default studio tools over build plugins is this one feature, which is useless because of Attachments.
Observed: cannot change parent of selections that include Attachments when click+dragging in the 3D view
Expected: can do the above