Selection > Convert to Mesh

To optimize performance you can use meshes instead of bricks.

I want to suggest a function where you select x amount of Parts (BasePart, MeshPart, Models etc.) and it creates one Part with 1 Mesh inside that has 1 texture applied to it.

For instance, I could select this dummy model and click: Covert to Mesh
It would then generate a single Part with a Textured Mesh inside that looks just like the complex model itself.

This is not possible with CSG, and if it were the resulting model would have tremendously much more verts than the original model. This solution is made optimizing maps rendering/physics.

Disclaimer: You can’t export this as a model and import as a Mesh. It doesn’t work with multiple textures.

As always, smash that like button if you agree!


I’m a sucker for meshparts, but i have a few questions.

  • How does the mesh conversion process go? would it create a new UV map and bake a new texture for it?
  • If yes, why would it not work with multiple textures?
  • If no, would there be any other purpose for it besides simplifying the hitbox?

Exporting a model with meshes will give you multiple textures if you open it in say blender.
No idea how to combine those decals properly and export as one model. Maybe there’s a way?
Eitherway I think this makes the whole process simple and more people will use it to increase performance.

It doesn’t only change hitbox but the amount of physics calculations and render calculations aswell. Instead of deciding whether or not to render 20 objects you just do 1 calculations for 1 object.

Lucky for you, i can always help you with that :wink:

Not a fan of this. Spamming places with meshes just increases load time for no reason.

How does anyone benefit from converting parts to unoptimized meshes?

Yeah, I don’t think this solves any specific problem but introduces a lot more. It’s not that trivial to combine textures that might have weird dimensions in a way that’s more efficient than just doing it yourself.

It’s not really that much overhead to have separate parts. If you’re worried about physics calculations, weld them and set the collision fidelity to box even if they’re non-colliding. Rendering already has some batching logic, so you’re generally not saving much by combining the meshes.

Also, please avoid doing this in the future:

As always, smash that like button if you agree!


there is a process of doing this in blender

this video explains it pretty well

mainly you would create a similar lower poly mesh and then just bake the high poly right on to it.

@0xBAADF00D It’s just a youtube reference :confused:

@Mistertitanic44 ahh, i’ll try that, thnx! :smiley:

Ah, okay then, I’ll let it slide. :stuck_out_tongue:

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