I have a gui that should get the name of a button when it is pressed, so it can find that weapon in serverstorage and clone it to the player’s backpack. For some reason, it gets nil as the value for the button.
The script:
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local backpack = player.Backpack
local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
for _, button in pairs(script.Parent.Main:GetChildren()) do
if button:IsA('TextButton') then
local getclass = serverStorage:WaitForChild(button.Name)
if getclass:IsA("Tool") then
script.Parent.Visible = false
getclass:clone().Parent = backpack
local getutil1 = serverStorage.UtilityWeapons:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Utility1.Value)
getutil1:clone().Parent = backpack
local getutil2 = serverStorage.UtilityWeapons:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Utility2.Value)
getutil2:clone().Parent = backpack
local getutil3 = serverStorage.UtilityWeapons:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Utility3.Value)
getutil3:clone().Parent = backpack
local getutil4 = serverStorage.UtilityWeapons:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Utility4.Value)
getutil4:clone().Parent = backpack
function onHumanoidDied(humanoid, player)
script.Parent.Visible = true
Clients (local scripts) can not access ServerStorage! You will need to use RemoteEvents for this. You could move the tools into ReplicatedStorage, this would allow the client to see the tools, but cloning them to their backpack won’t show up for other players (I think at least. Unsure about this since the client controls the humanoid.).
Which button are we talking about now? The button used for .MouseButton1Click is not nil. The other button will always be null, as GuiButton.MouseButton1Click (roblox.com) doesn’t return any values.
Also, it looks like the desired value returned from button.MouseButton1Click would be the button which caused it. Simply using that button should do the trick.
You are correct, trying to call the variable in the function would cause the button to be overriden with nothing. This was a silly mistake on my part. Thanks for the help!