Selection Improvements

The problem is the big box, that outlines the entirety of selected parts. I get that you can toggle the outlines or boxes, but that functionality has been removed. It’s extremely hard to see if I have multiple things selected.

Having the view mode set to bounding boxes or both shouldn’t introduce any regressions in behavior resulting in bounding boxes being removed from any situations that you had previously expected bounding boxes to appear. The only change we made to bounding boxes are changing how they are rendered.

I mean, It looks cool isn’t it? i like the new style of outlines

@smoothiecriminals Hi how to close this feature?

Changing the selection style in view tab to bounding boxes essentially is old behavior. There are no plans to turn off any features but feedback will be discussed with the team.

Yes but not old same style.


Now that the new update has rolled around, I’d say the selection boxes are still very thin and it’s very hard to tell what I’m selecting, especially decals.

You can still make bounding boxes thicker in studio settings.

i hate it there should be a setting for the old outline

read :arrow_up:

all you have to do is read the post fully.

Honestly I shouldnt be going here specifically to say this, but thank you guys so much for adding this.
The new selections feel harsh on the eyes in some situations & I’m so glad you guys listened to feedback.


I just opened studio after a vacation and saw this was forced upon us- only it wasn’t thank you, roblox for letting this be toggleable and thank you for both @nvckx and @Wayyllon for pointing out where to disable!


We’ve released fixes for a couple cases where outlines persisted on objects even while not selected/hovered. If this continues please let us know how with specific reproduction steps. Thanks!

EDIT: Had to revert a fix for one of the cases due to crashes.

Some people could see because they set highlight to the part with transparency 0 first and then 0.5 and 1
its really buggy but when u set first highlight to a > 0 part the highlight wont show and when u look and update to the part with 0 transparency it will show so yeah. i kinda explained it

The new bounding box mode looks absolutely disgraceful. Why is it so thick from far away?

It didn’t use to look like this. Please revert it back.

(Yes, I tried changing the hover thing and it did not work)

This new version makes it pretty much impossible to do precise movement and many other things.

Is there a way to disable the selection box offset for small parts? I cannot stick the part on the wall by dragging it.

Try enabling “Collisions”
Or maybe I am misunderstanding what you mean.

It is not working. I think it happens on every parts with a size smaller than 0.05, and it is annoying to position the parts with dragging :confused:

That’s because collisions have a minimum size of 0.05.