Selection Improvements

In that case you can either make your Part bigger by double the distance from the .05 collision box to the ‘actual’ surface so it’ll place there, then resize the opposite edge by that same resize value.
Or you can set your Move tool to that increment difference and move it after the Part is placed ‘on’ the surface.
A third option would be to move the smaller surface back that difference, place all your Parts on it, then move the wall back that difference so they all align properly.

They are a bit hacky, but like @SubtotalAnt8185 said, they can’t make parts much smaller than .05 otherwise the Roblox Collision setup would let other parts glitch through it pretty easily.

An issue rose with bounding boxes today. I havent encountered it before today.
I notice my bounding boxes are becoming a lot thicker from far away, they still used to do this before today but they are scaling to intrusive sizes as i move my camera away.
At the very least, when i get close to the object the bounding box gets smaller so i can see.
Not with this model, however.

Notice the difference between these two images;

When i select the model, the outline is much larger for no reason. My mouse is not hovering over either of them
but the real problem is this…
The model’s bounding box thickness is based on how far i am from the center of the model, so even when im close to one of the sides the thickness is still enourmous.
Normal behavior:
Model selected (even though im only a few studs away, the selection outline is noticeably thicker)

(this happens at the other end as well)
When i approach the pivot point (middle) of the model, the outlines thin
(Part selected to show intended behavior)

(Model selected)

So what changed recently with them, and why now? Is there a setting that causes this (I have already tried Selection/Hover Box/Line values, which are locked to integers now, strange as i remember being able to set them to decimals as they were measured in Studs before) and if so, how can i revert it? This issue happens with every model that is large, and its very annoying and intrusive.

TL;DR: Bounding boxes are scaling a lot more based on distance, and sometimes they are huge despite having settings preventing that + being very close to the box itself. Wondering if there’s a fix.


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