Self is nil (Knit)

local RoundService = Knit.CreateService({
    Name = "RoundService",
    Client = {
        gameStarted = Knit.CreateSignal(),
        intermissionStarted = Knit.CreateSignal(),
        vote = Knit.CreateSignal(),
        voteChanged = Knit.CreateSignal(),
    roundTime = 360, -- 6 minutes
    intermissionTime = 20, -- 30 seconds
    gameStatus = false, -- false: intermission, true: game
    raidTeam = game:GetService("Teams").Red,
    defendTeam = game:GetService("Teams").Blue,
    lobbyTeam = game:GetService("Teams").Lobby,
    voteResult = {},

function RoundService:Intermssion()
    print(RoundService.Name) -- "RoundService"
    print(self.Name) -- Attempt to index nil with Client

Why is self undefined? (Using Knit)

How are you calling RoundService.Intermission?

If you call RoundService.Intermission, you will have to pass RoundService.

Instead use colon syntax RoundService:Intermission.