Self View appears in voice-only experiences

Currently, in the new experience controls, if you have voice chat enabled and you are in a voice-enabled experience that does not support camera, Self View will still be available under the hamburger menu. To clarify, “Self View” is the name of Roblox’s built-in UI for animating your avatar’s head with your device’s camera.

Because camera communication is not enabled for the experience, you will not be able to turn on your camera, making Self View effectively useless in this case.


I’m not sure if this is intended behavior, but it doesn’t make much sense. An experience might have reasons to enable voice but not camera, for example, if the experience uses custom avatars that have no animatable head, or if the experience doesn’t even use avatars at all.

Self View would be completely useless in those cases, yet it can’t be removed from the hamburger menu, taking up unnecessary space and potentially confusing users as to what its purpose is.

Note: Self View does not appear in experiences that have both voice and camera disabled, which is correct behavior. It only appears if at least one communication method is enabled for the experience.


  1. Ensure that your account has voice chat enabled.
  2. Join a voice-enabled experience that does not support camera.
  3. Find “Self View” in the hamburger menu.

This happens on both desktop and mobile.

Note: You do not need to have the camera animation feature enabled in your account settings in order to access Self View. If you have the feature disabled, Self View will just tell you to enable it if you try to turn on your camera.

Expected behavior

If an experience does not support camera, Self View should not appear in the hamburger menu.


Hello there,
this works as expected, as one can also animate the avatar’s mouth via microphone input in voice chat enabled experiences, so we have the Self View in those, too due to that.


I guess that’s true, but I really don’t think anybody uses Self View for this purpose. The main point of Self View is to use your camera with it… the voice lip-sync feature kinda just feels like a bonus thing added in case you don’t feel like enabling your camera. You really don’t need Self View to use voice lip sync.

And besides, not all voice-enabled experiences even support dynamic heads (e.g. one that forces R6 or entirely custom avatars), so it wouldn’t make sense for the developer to want to enable camera communication there, and then Self View would be completely useless.

I have seen so many people want a way to disable Self View because of that, being confused as to why it exists and how to get rid of it. This behavior made no sense to me so I assumed it was an oversight and reported it as a bug.

Maybe this could be reconsidered? Thanks


We observed that self view is used a lot by many users in some experiences which are voice only (especially some avatar customization/ dressup and similar ones where many users seem to especially like to see their avatar from the front longer in between) so i think it varies from user to user and for different games/ experiences.
I’ll bring up the request to toggle this on dev side for consideration though.


Any update on this that can be shared?

bug since ~1 year ago, would be good to acknowledge as it also appears in Error Reports under Performance for an experience dashboard

Thanks for the heads up, i’ve replied in the other thread, here again: we’re un deprecating SetCoreGuiEnabled for Self View and that will ship with one of the next releases.


I have seen this, and I still see this today. The reproduction steps are the same. I’ve tried clearing my cache but didn’t work. Though, this might not be a bug.